7 th +8 th grade Guide Sheet: Paul & the early church________________________12/7/22 Takeaway – God’s conversion of Paul, & Paul’s writings & ministry, are powerful influences of our understanding of God’s grace & just how powerful the Gospel is. Key verse – Acts 9:15 Discussion starters: - Do you believe that people can change? -When have you seen, or even experienced yourself, a transformation (of a person, place, etc.)? -What does it take for you to change your opinion about something? (i.e. personal experience, another person’s story, etc.) -How does your relationship with God/Jesus (whatever it is like right now) factor into your life? (i.e. do you consider your values in decision making, things you are involved in, etc.) -Why is it so easy for us to get worked up about something that doesn’t really matter? What is worth arguing about? How do arguments affect our rel...
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