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 All the basics - Form and practice faith together with these key resources.

Prince of Peace - Watch worship and keep up with all things POP. You can also sign up for the weekly worship devotional "Think Again" under the worship tab. 

FAITH 5 - "(Faith Acts In The Home) is a simple, easy-to-implement faith practice, perfect for incorporating into your bedtime (anytime) routine for five to fifteen minutes a day. When done over time, the FAITH5 carries the power to enrich communication , deepen understanding, aid sleep, and promote mental, physical, and spiritual health."    

If I (Brent) could actually require everyone to do one thing, besides worship together, it would be this! Grab a FAITH5 card from us at church to stick somewhere at home that you'll see it often and remember to do it.

The Bible Project - More of a visual learner? TBP has quality videos from book overviews to in depth theme studies for all of scripture. Use these to follow along with our Bible content. 

Luther House of Study - The Small Catechism was meant for use in the home. LHOS helps you make the most of it! Use their videos to follow along with our catechism content (10 Commandments, Lord's Prayer, Sacraments, etc). 


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