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Welcome to Axis

 Hello all Axis families!

Fall Calendar

FORMAT for In-Person 
  • Large Groups will be in the CLC. Again for 6th graders, at least one parent/caring adult must attend with them. 
  • We will be masked and spaced apart.
  • Small groups (7th & 8th grade) will meet at outdoor spaces around the building. Masks are not required outdoors but some space is still encouraged.
  • If families volunteer & others approve, meeting at homes is allowed as well. 
  • We ask that if you are planning to participate in Axis we ask that you contribute $25/child to help cover costs of content/supplies/materials.
  • We are planning to video large group sessions so those that need have the ability to follow along if unable/prefer not to meet in person. We totally understand everyone has different comfort levels & abilities even still. 

Axis Fall/early Winter Schedule: Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm
6 - 6gr large group at church, 7/8gr with small groups
13 - 7/8gr large group at church, 6gr faith practice at home
20 - MEA, we are off
27 - 6gr large group at church, 7/8gr with small groups 

3 -  7/8gr large group at church, 6gr faith practice at home
10 - 6gr large group at church, 7/8gr with small groups
17 - 7/8gr large group at church, 6gr faith practice at home
24 - Thanksgiving Eve

1 - 6gr large group at church, 7/8gr with small groups
8 - 7/8gr large group at church, 6 gr faith practice at home
15 - Advent/Christmas celebration night

In person, outside (weather permitting) gatherings by grade group (6th graders+a parent caring adult as a group & 7th/8th grade as a group). These will be at Prince of Peace, 6:30-7:30pm. Large group will be held in the CLC masked & distanced. Small groups will meet outside  around the campus. 
Masks will be required, indoors. 

When it is not your large group week at church, 7th/8th grade small groups will meet at their designated outdoor spot at church. 6th graders will have a household faith practice to do at home.

The 2 biggest things you can do outside of Axis are worship together as a family and connect with any of our serving opportunities as they are highlighted (i.e. donation drives for Avenues, CEAP opportunities, and just good ol' caring for your neighbor!). 

It is my goal and hope that Axis will be the kind of community and invitation that you and you family want to prioritize. It is not another assignment to complete, box to check, or obligation to fulfill. It is instead a time to be real, a time to really share how you're doing, and a time to receive God's promise, the Good News, together in community with one another. 

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or conversation you want to have! 

Grace and peace in Christ,

+Worship with us- Sundays at 9:30am in person (masks required) & always online at or
+Follow us- @popyouthfamily on Instagram
+"Axis @ POP" on Facebook
+Bookmark us -


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