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11/3 + 10/27 revisited 6th gr. Axis Guide Sheet: Baptism continued


6th grade Axis Guide Sheet: Baptism continued                                                    11/3 + 10/27 revisited

Continue anything you haven't been able to cover yet & especially the following: 

Service opportunity - Make a tie blanket(s) to be included with the gift bag we give families at a child's baptism. Talk to Brent or Katie to get one!

+Reach out to your Godparents/baptismal sponsors & say thanks!

     - Keep these people in mind for mentoring next Lent. Mentoring descriptions attached. 

+Practice taking time to remember your baptism daily. 

+Check out these amazing visual resources on baptism in the Bible-Illustrated Catechism

+Next time you see a baptism happen in church, remember that person's name & pray for them!

+ Listen to Pr. Chad's Reformation Sunday message which contained Martin Luther's original words. How is baptism mentioned? How would you summarize what baptism does in your own words? 

Takeaway – Our baptismal identity means that we are freed from having to earn our own salvation & therefore we are called to a life of service to our neighbor & the world.

Key verse – Romans 6:3-4.

From our baptism liturgy – “Join us in giving thanks & praise to God & bearing God’s creative & redeeming word to all the world.”

Discussion starters:

-What things do you need reminders about in your life? How do you stay focused on the important stuff? What’s your best memory/memorization practice?

-What motivates you? What energizes you?

-What is a cause/issue you are currently passionate about? Why? What are you doing about it? Does your faith play a role in this (does it have to)?

-Reflect on a baptism you’ve seen here at POP or within your family. What do you think about when you see a baptism?

-Why is it significant that we baptize babies in the Lutheran church? (Illustrates that God does the work, we are helpless babies. Our faith & salvation is not something we can earn). At the same time, anyone can be baptized at any time. It’s never too late nor does it need to be redone.

-What do you think it means to be “marked with the cross of Christ” in baptism?

-Do you think baptism (the physical act) is necessary for salvation?  Why or why not?  (*this question is not meant to get resolved, just to explore)

Further Reading: What does each of these tell you about baptism?  Discuss how each verse might impact what you believe about God and baptism.

-          Matthew 28:19-20

-          Titus 3:5-6

Activity Ideas for home:

Just Add Water:

Grab 2 cups & a spoon.

1– Invite one family member to stand on a chair with a cup of water & a spoon.

2 – Instruct another member to position a second cup at the height of the chair seat but not directly underneath the first cup.

3– Position remaining members’ hands between the two cups.

4 – The Challenge: to move water from the top to the bottom cup a spoonful at a time, with the water touching all the hands along the way.

-How long does it take to empty the top cup? Have people take turns.

-Talk about it: If you can recall the words said at baptisms here at church, you’ll remember that the whole community has a part to play (pray for the baptized, their family, support & encourage each other & remember our own baptism). How does this activity illustrate these promises? How do you feel you’re doing at “living out” your baptism? Is there any specific help you feel you need at this point in your life?

Invisible Permanent Marker – This week, whenever you’re about to do something (eat, go to school, start work, go to practice, etc), trace the cross on your forehead & remind yourself “I am beloved” or “I am a child of God.” Bonus if you do it with water. Take note of how it affects what you do. Can you make it a permanent practice? Nobody will see it but you’ll remember who & whose you are before anything else.

Baptism Birthday: How do you typically celebrate your birthday? Do you know your baptism date? Do you celebrate your baptism? If not, it’s time to start a new tradition & plan a baptism birthday party together! What will you do? Where would you go? Then by all means, set a date & celebrate together!

Don’t forget Highs & Lows & to pray!


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