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10/27/21 7th/8th gr. Axis Guide Sheet: Creation disrupted


7th/8th gr. Axis Guide Sheet: Creation disrupted                                                               10/27/21

Hi Guides & families! This section will cover the events found in Genesis 3-9. It also addresses how free will & sin come into play according to our faith tradition. This will bring up lots of questions! Questions about human behavior & consequences, God’s behavior, and the nature of right & wrong. It is ok to not have answers to all of these questions, sit with them, wrestle with them.  Most importantly, wonder, in light of what we can learn from these stories how are we called to live and act today?



Small Group/Household (6:30-7:30)


v  Highs & Lows


v  Takeaways (share these to start & end)

1)      Although sin & wrongdoing entered the world, God continued (& continues) to act with love and care for God’s people. Often in ways we don’t understand.

2)      God keeps God’s promises.


v  Read the “Disrupted” & “Starting Over” narratives.


From “Echo the Story” copyright 2013 sparkhouse

Narrate for the group. If time, or to close, allow a second reader to read it once more. Read with emotion and inflection, bring it to life with your voice. Invite participants to close their eyes & imagine while they listen.


Adam and Eve lived under God’s care and protection in a beautiful garden.

One day, a clever serpent came to Eve and asked her, “Did God really say you can’t eat ANY of the fruit in this garden?”

Eve answered, “We can eat any fruit we’d like-except for the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. God said if we eat that fruit-or even touch it-we’ll die.”

The serpent replied, “You won’t die! God knows that if you eat that fruit, your eyes will be opened- and you will become as wise as God.”

Eve looked at the delicious fruit and thought, “This will make me wise.”

So she bit into the fruit. Then she gave some to Adam, who was with her, and he ate it, too.

Instantly their eyes were opened, and they felt ashamed and afraid. So they tied leaves together to cover up their nakedness. [pause]

Later on in the cool of the day, God came to spend time with Adam and Eve. When they heard God walking in the garden, they hid behind some bushes.

God called to them, “Where are you?”

Adam answered, I heard your coming and I was ashamed-because I’m naked-so I hid.”

God asked, “Why are you ashamed of being naked? Did you eat the fruit I told you not to eat?”

Adam said, “It was the woman you created…she gave me the fruit.”

God asked Eve, “Why did this happen?”

Eve answered, “It was the serpent…he tricked me into eating the fruit.”

So God said to the serpent, “Because you’ve done this, from now on serpents will slither on their bellies, eating dust. Humans will be your enemies.”

God turned to Adam and Eve and said, “Your eyes have been opened to pain, struggles, and death. You’ll face intense pain in childbirth. You’ll struggle through weeds and thorns to harvest food. And you’ll fight for control of your relationship. At the end of your life, you’ll return to the ground from which you were created. [pause]

After that, God used animal skins to make clothing for Adam and Eve. Then, God removed them from the garden.

Mighty angels were stationed at the entrance, and a flaming sword flashed back and forth, keeping Adam and Eve from returning to the garden and eating from the Tree of Life. [pause]



After leaving the garden, Adam and Eve started a family.

Tragically, their oldest son, Cain, attacked and killed his brother Abel in a jealous rage-even after God warned him about his anger. Cain was then sent away to be a wanderer of the Earth. [pause]

As humans populated the earth, civilizations formed and cities were built. Craftsmanship, music, and the arts emerged.

But humans couldn’t live peacefully with one another.

Selfishness and greed turned into fighting; fighting turned into hatred; hatred turned into muder; and murder turned into war.

Violence and chaos spiraled out of control. People’s hearts and minds were filled with evil day and night.

Humans had forgotten that they were created in God’s image.

And God’s heart was broken.

God said, “Humans have made me regret that I created them. I must start over.” [pause]

But there was one man named Noah, who still followed God’s ways.

So God gave Noah a plan to protect his family and save each kind of creature on the Earth.

Noah carefully followed God’s instructions and built a large boat called an ark. When it was finished, Noah’s family and pairs of each kind of animal boarded the boat.

Suddenly, water burst from the ground and poured from the sky. The rain didn’t stop for forty days. Water rose higher and higher until it covered even the tallest mountains.

Life was decimated. But Noah and his family and all the animals with them were safe, floating in the ark on the surface of the water. [pause]

After many months, God stirred winds that blew across the waters, causing them to recede. The ark landed safely on a mountainside. Noah and his family stepped out onto the damp ground.

And God said, “Even though humans will still rebel, I promise never to flood the earth again. My love for you will never change, and my promises to you will never be broken.”

At that moment, the sun broke through the storm clouds and formed a spectrum of colors across the sky-a rainbow. From then on, each time a rainbow appeared, it would be a reminder to God and all of creation, of God’s promise-and a reminder of a new beginning.

[allow some time for silence and reflecting…]




Discussion starters:

-          What stuck out to you from the story? What raised questions for you? What made you wonder?


-          What does the garden look like to you?


-          How would you describe Adam and Eve?


-          Why do you think they ate the fruit?


-          What changed after they ate the fruit?


o   How did Adam and Eve’s relationship change? Their relationship with God? With the Earth & animals?


-          How do responsibility and knowledge go together?


-          One way to look at this story is that God was protecting Adam and Eve like children, from knowledge they weren’t ready to handle yet. What do you think about this theory?


-          What do you notice about God/make of God from this story?


-          What glimpses of hope can be found in the midst of this tragic story?


-          What do you think this story says about us (humans)…about you?



Bible talk: The events from our story take place in Genesis 3-9.

-          Find Genesis 3:1. Highlight/underline

o   What causes you to question God’s word for you/for us?

o   When is it hard to listen to authority/instructions?

o   Go back to Genesis 2:16 & see God’s actual instructions. See how the serpent rephrased it in its question?


Activity ideas:


Act it/Animate it – Make the narratives a play & reenact these scenes together. (What did snakes/serpents do before they were cursed to slither on the ground?!). Or illustrate the story. For those on site, The Action Bibles are really cool or if you’re at home check out The Cartoonist Bible.


Re-animate it – What would a similar scenario look like in today’s world? Who would be the players? What is forbidden/out of bounds?  Or an example from your own experience?!


God Still Loves – Divide a piece of paper in two. On one half, write down the names of people who have shown you they love you even when you’ve made a mistake…On the other half, write down the names of people you’ve kept loving even when they’ve made a mistake.

Share with the group - As humans, we aren’t perfect are we?! In fact, you may recall from the story of Noah that the world got so bad that God wanted to start all over & so he did with Noah’s family. These lists show us the kind of love that God has for us & allows us to have for others!



Essential Ark – In the last year/year & a half we heard the term “essential worker” a lot, or certain parts of society were labeled “essential.” If we’re honest, what qualifies as essential can certainly vary from person to person. So, take time to reflect together and share what your essentials are…meaning if you had to simplify your life to the essentials, what would be included? (This can be as literal or abstract as you want.) People, things, activities, concepts…? 





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