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11/17/21 6th Grade Families: Lord's Prayer continued

 6th grade Axis Guide Sheet: The Lord’s Prayer continued 

Takeaway – The words of the Lord’s Prayer empower us to approach God & the world more boldly. Communication is essential to our relationships with one another & God. 

Key verse – Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:1-4 (revisit or read one you haven't gotten to yet) 

Discussion starters:

- Is praying challenging for you? Why/why not? 

-Who is someone you don't talk to a lot? What’s your relationship like? How does it feel when you do get in touch again? 

-What would you bring on a trip that you didn’t know much about the place you were going? (While we don’t always know what life has in store for us, The Lord’s Prayer encompasses all aspects we go through.) See the "Unpacking the Lord's Prayer" below. 

-Why do you pray? (Do you pray?)

-So be honest, does saying the Lord’s Prayer ever just feel like empty words to you? 

-Do you remember first learning it? How did it feel? What did you think about it? What do you think about it now?

-What parts of the Lord’s Prayer make sense to you? What’s easy to understand? What’s puzzling? (A reminder you can always send me any questions you want to talk more about!)

An activity you’ll be invited to do is to write a version of the Lord’s Prayer that feels more accessible to you. The key is that Jesus invites us to communicate with God about all aspects of our relationship with God and the lives we live.  

-Do you think you have to fully understand something to participate in it? Why might it be important to keep seeking understanding of something like the Lord’s Prayer, no matter your age? 

-Are there other things/prayers you know by heart or say routinely? 

Further Reading: 

The Lord’s Prayer petitions & meanings – found in the small catechism toward the back of your Bibles but also online HERE. The main idea here is that God does in fact work for all of these things. Yet when we pray them we are called into participating in actions that bring it about too.

Activity Ideas: 

Pray constantly - Check out 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18...Do you think you can pray constantly? Try practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply being intentionally aware. Throughout your day, see how often you can remind yourself to check in with God. And remember, God is with you always, no matter what! 

My Prayer  – A lot of people are nervous about praying or want to pray but can’t always find the words. Is this you? See if you can come up with a prayer that you connect with in your own words. What areas of life do you want to bring to God most? Relationships, needs, situations, etc. 

Pray Around the World – The Lord’s Prayer is prayed by Christian churches throughout the world. Listen to the Lord’s Prayer in some other languages. How does it sound? Can you identify any parts?

 - For what parts of the world do you want to pray for today? This practice can be new each week, each day as you take in the news. 

Candle Time – Light a candle, turn out the lights, take a time for silence…Invite your family to share whatever is on their hearts & minds (could set out the “build a prayer sheet). Close this time with this ending, similar to what we use in prayers each Sunday,

“All of these things, spoken or silent, & whatever else you see that we need, we bring to you Lord God, trusting in your work through Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit. Amen”

Don’t forget Highs & Lows & to pray!


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