gr. Axis Guide Sheet: Commands + Laws
Hi Parents/Caring adults & Guides! Here is
tonight’s content. We covered a lot of ground last week (breezing through
Abraham & Sarah, jumping to Moses & the exodus) so continuing those
conversations could certainly take more time this week.
- Topic intro
Law(s)-As Christians, we are familiar with the 10
Commandments. But did you know the Israelite people had hundreds of laws they
were to follow? What happened to all of them? What are we supposed to do about
– The
law provided order, protection, & identity to God’s people after their
deliverance from slavery. Today, Jesus boils it down to 2; love God & love your
neighbor! This is good news for us & our neighbors!
- How do rules help us? Can they hurt us?
- What are the different rules involved in your life?
(i.e. at home, school, activities, etc.)
- Why do you think God chose the 10 Commandments to
specifically command?
- The Israelites made a calf idol, an image of a god
they could worship. Why do you think they wanted a God they could see?
- Why do you think God doesn’t want
us to worship objects (material stuff)? What idols do we worship in our
What had God already created that was in the image of God? Why do you think the people ignored or forgot this?
- Share about a time you experienced grace or mercy
after breaking a rule…
- Who do you think is most affected by the breaking of
a law: the person who did it, or the
victim(s) of the offense?
- Even when we know God’s laws are good for us, why is
it hard for us to follow them?
-What do you think it means to live in God’s ways
(cont’d on back):
- Revisit the 10 Commandments & meanings in the small catechism.
- Have a volunteer read the key verses, Deuteronomy 5:1-3
Why do you think it’s important for the Israelites
(& us) to remember this covenant at all
What things in your life are you most diligent about?
(Diligent=constant in effort to
accomplish something; attentive and persistent in
doing anything)
You may
continue reading all the way through verse 21 (the 10 Commandments).
- Next check out Matthew
22:34-40… How
do these commands differ from the list in Deuteronomy (10 Commandments)?
Imagine if we didn’t have the Old Testament…would
Christianity be different if the
Jewish laws & 10 Commandments never existed?
Echo the Story - Read the narrative adaptation of Moses receiving the laws below.
Locks, & Keys –
Part 1) Sometimes
societal laws act like locks to keep people from being truly free. Can you
think of laws that exist now, or did in the past, that are/were used to hurt
people instead of help them?
- Draw a big lock on one sheet of paper. On/in this
lock, write down responses to the above question.
Part 2) The intent of
God’s laws, is to be keys for healthy lives & relationships between us,
God, & our neighbors. Talk together about “keys” that would help you have
good relationships in your lives. (i.e. communication, fair pay, etc.)
- Draw a big key on another sheet. Once you have come
up with some concise keys (i.e.
patience, communication, etc.) write them on this big
– Forget all the laws you know for a moment. Your group is in charge of how
people live. What rules would your group/family create for itself?
- You can find the 10 Commandments and
their explanations in the small catechism in the back of your bible, but this
is a helpful trick to at least remember the theme of each commandment -
– God – Rest – Parents – Kill – Sex – Steal – Lie - Covet - Covet
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