7th/8th gr. Axis Guide Sheet: Exodus – Liberation 11/3/21
Large Group
- Topic intro
o Exodus-“This is the central story of the Old Testament, the grounding for how the chosen people of God come to understand who they are & who their God is.” What parts of Exodus do you know?
o How do you answer the questions “Who are you?” & “Whose are you? (Who, if anyone, do you belong to?”)
Key Verses:
Exodus 3:7 - Then the Lord said, “I have observed the misery of my people who are in Egypt; I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their sufferings”
Exodus 3:14 - God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” He said further, “Thus you shall say to the Israelites, ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
Discussion starters:
- What stuck out to you? What raised questions for you?
- Why do you think God chose the Israelites, who were slaves, to be God’s people?
- Share about a time you experienced rescue/deliverance from a situation…What was happening, how did it feel before & after the fact?
- Do you think everyone can be God’s people? (Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc.) Why/Why not? Does God love all people equally?
- Who do you think God would choose someone who doubted themselves so much like Moses?
- Do you see yourself as more of a leader or follower? How does that play out in your life?
- The story of the plagues is also known as Passover (because it describes the night that God passed over the homes with blood on their doorframes), a central holiday in the Jewish faith. How might you have felt as an Israelite that Passover night? Do you know anyone who celebrates Passover?
- Why do you think everything just didn’t go smoothly after the Israelites were freed?
- What stories of liberation/freedom are you familiar with from history or situations you’ve seen in your own lifetime?
Bible talk:
- Have a volunteer read Exodus 3:1-15.
o Can anyone share about a time you felt you did something so bad that things would never be the same? Was this the case?
o Do you think Moses was right to kill the Egyptian? Why do you think God still chose to work through Moses, a murderer?
- Find Exodus 33:12-23 in your Bibles. Have a different person read.
o What would it be like to travel with the presence of the Lord? Do you think God is with us right now? How about every day?
o Is knowing someone’s name enough to really know them? How can you tell when you really know someone? When you really know God?
Activity ideas:
Wander – Tell the kids you’re going on a field trip, right now…& nothing else. Walk around the church, your neighborhood, walk outside, walk into & out of rooms. See how long it takes them to start asking questions – & complaining! (persist for a while).
See Think Act – Throughout the story of Exodus, characters, including God, seem to follow a three-step pattern of behavior. We can learn to see (and hear), think (and pray), and act – to make our own and others’ lives more like God wants them to be.
See Think Act
I have observed the misery… I know their suffering… I have come to deliver them…
Hear listen learn observe Ponder consider discuss pray Get up, go and do
Using the See, Think, Act model, recount the way you solved or helped solve a problem in the past month…Or is there a situation you are facing/aware of currently? How does slowing down, gathering your thoughts about it and praying, help you form a plan of action?
Burning bush – Throughout the week (or now) scroll through some news articles. Take note of images and stories of suffering, trouble, captivity, etc. Discuss what’s happening together as a group or family. Are there possible ways of doing something to help with any of the issues you’ve seen (locally, globally?). Remember some of the situations in your prayers this week.
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