Tonight’s Takeaway & Key verse
§ More than a list of “don’ts”
the Commandments order our lives in relationship to God & neighbor.
-Is it possible
for something this old to still be relevant today? Aren’t we all pretty good at
obeying this stuff? ...Aren’t we?
-If God knows we
can’t possibly keep all these commandments, why do we have them?
-And if God knows
we always mess up, & God is all about grace, then what’s the point of learning
these old, possibly out-of-date commandments?
-So what does happen when we accidentally (or not
so accidentally) break a commandment?
-What are some
rules or guidelines in your life that you actually do value & try to live
by? What makes them significant to you? What commandments connect most easily
to your life right now?
-Where do you see
love in the commandments? If the two Jesus talks about (love God, love your
neighbor) are the most important, do we still need the other eight?
Further readings to check out:
Exodus 20:1-21.
aspects of life do the 10 Commandments address? Why would this be helpful for people
who had been living as slaves & unable to make decisions for themselves?
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
scripture is still used regularly in Jewish worship services & serves as an
important guideline to their way of life. Are there elements that you see
happening in your daily life? How do you remember that God is God, in your
everyday life?
Activity ideas:
Top 10/Not
Top 10 – Open to your catechism section to
the 10 Commandments & explanations. Notice how Luther not only reminds us
what not to do but also gives a what to
do to fulfill that commandment & bring about harmony. Talk about where
you see the Commandments being broken in our world today. Then move to the next
Living in
tune – Share what you can do individually
to “amplify your positive effect.” What about as a family? Come up with a plan
for one thing you can do together that is positive for the church, our community,
or even the world! Then do it/set a date to do it! (I would love to hear these & support you any way needed!)
Keep These Words on Your Heart… - Do you know the
10 Commandments by heart? God commands us in Deuteronomy 6:4-6, “Hear, O Israel:
The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I
give you today are to be on your hearts...” And Psalm 119:11
says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I
might not sin against you. Here is a handy way to memorize the 10 Commandments using 10
key words:
God – God – Rest – Parents – Kill –
Sex – Steal – Lie – Covet – Covet
More Commandments for Today – If you
were to create 10 Commandments for life today, what would they be? Sorry we
don’t have any stone & chisels to use, guess you’ll have to get creative at
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