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12/1/21 7th/8th Grade: Ruth & Esther


-          Topic intro

o   Ruth & Esther, two of the very few named women in the Bible. The stories of these two amazing individuals show us how God’s covenant is big enough for everyone, even those we would consider outsiders or enemies AND that God is at work even if we as humans don’t name or acknowledge God. God’s work is not dependent upon human behavior.

o   Take aways: God’s covenant is big enough to include everyone, even outsiders & enemies. God remains in relationship with God’s people, even if God isn’t mentioned by name.


Discussion starters: Begin by reading the introduction page to each book. (Maybe choose one to read in its entirety later on your own!)

-          Who are some of the influential women in your life? In our world today?


-          Whose voices and ideas get the most attention in your life? In society?


-          Why do you think God uses people who seem powerless?


-          Can you think of a time you/your family “took someone in”? Or that someone took you “under their wing”? What happened? What was it like?


-          What would God mean to you if you had absolutely nothing?


-          What is the most courageous thing you’ve seen someone do for someone else?


-          Have you ever felt compelled to speak up about something you knew to be wrong or right? Did you speak up? Did it make a difference?


Bible talk:

-          Have a volunteer read Ruth 1:16

o   What did she promise here? What did she risk? What did she give up?

o   What struggles or fears do you think a poor, single woman like Ruth would have faced in moving to a strange land?


-          Now move to Esther 4:14

o   Reflect on a time when you had an opportunity to serve people who didn’t have as many privileges, luxuries, or even access to daily essentials as you? How does it feel to serve others?

o   We often think of serving others as doing something good for them. What would be different if your wellbeing/fate was directly tied to that of the people you’re helping?  


Activity ideas:

“Piece by piece” make your way through the “quilt of characters” shown.

“The Queen Who Saved Her People” Take a look at the points of Esther’s story.


Heads Up – If someone in the group/at home has the game app Heads Up, play a few rounds! (Remember, God is not even explicitly mentioned in the story of Esther.)


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