Review – Psalms
o What kinds of things do the Psalms talk about? (Feelings:
joys, sorrows, struggles & successes)
Topic intro
o Wisdom – “In the Old Testament, the books of Job, Psalms,
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon (or Songs) are known as “wisdom
literature.” This is not to say that other books of the Bible aren’t wise, but
rather to indicate that the goal of these books is to help us think more deeply
about what it means to be human & how we ought to live our lives.” -Colaborate
Discussion starters:
there a funny/quirky saying your family says?
do you decide if something is true or valuable?
Have you heard the saying street smarts/book smarts? Which do you
think you are? What are the pros & cons of each?
If you could have the answer to one question, what would it be?
What kinds of things do you gain from books, movies and music? Can
wisdom be found in any of these?
Who is the first person you go to when you need advice?
Wisdom comes in many different forms, but what does it mean to be
wise? How is it the same as being smart? How is it different?
When is the last time you heard something wise? Share it with us…
Who is the wisest person you know? What makes them so wise? Are
they also the most educated/smartest person you know?
How do you best learn about God? Hearing? Doing? Thinking?
Bible talk:
a volunteer read Proverbs 2:1-15.
o What does knowledge,
understanding, righteousness, justice & equity have to do with wisdom?
o Are people born wise or is
wisdom something you develop? Why do you think this is?
to Proverbs 3:5-6.
o When you’re faced with a
difficult decision, how do you involve God in the process?
o Who/What things in your
life do you consider most trustworthy?
o How might you recognize
God’s presence in your everyday life?
to Ecclesiastes 4:9-16 & have a volunteer read.
o From your experience, is
this passage right about the power of two people? What are some ways your
friends & family have “lifted you up” in hard times?
o What’s more important,
wisdom or wealth?
· Explore the infographics
· Wiz Libs: Write your own proverb! Fill in the blanks a la MadLibs :-) Would love to see what you come up with!
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