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POP Youth 2022-23

      Just a few weeks ago, I sat on a rocky slab in the Boundary Waters with a group of our high schoolers watching an epic, post rain shower, sunset take shape. It was our last night on trail. The sun setting on this wilderness faith experience we shared together for the last 5 days. The growth I'd seen in our group over just that handful of days was profound...As a group, we all played roles in the success of our journey. Everyone took turns doing every vital task, adults and youth alike. Many times I duffed (sitting in the middle of the canoe, not needing to paddle), or stood back and watched as tents were put up and water collected. And just as many times I participated in all of that too. There was opportunity to teach by example and then let them try for themselves. 

And I felt the Holy Spirit calling us to more of this...

     Where has your summer taken you? In body, in mind, or spirit? This summer has been one of much wondering for me. As I tried to garner feedback, I also spent plenty of time in my own discernment; prayerfully listening for direction as to where to guide the ministry for which I am tasked to lead. I'm rarely one to just copy paste and repeat, knowing that life is always moving, people are growing, the world is changing. While the essence of the Gospel remains the same, it is dutiful to share it fresh & contextually with those you're engaging with each new season and generation. 
     So, our ministries for middle and high school youth, as well as your whole families will have both fresh elements this year, as well as timeless rituals and traditions. You can expect some familiarity, but not "the way we've always done it." 
     And I want you to know, high school families especially, that I invite our young people to be a part of this, to co-create our plans, to participate in leadership and implementation. One Boundary Waters trip participant expressed her interest in leading Bible Studies for her peers. So I'll be helping equip her to do just that. I can't wait to see what else the Spirit lifts up. 


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