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10/12/22 7th/8th Gr. Small Group Covenants

 Axis Guide Sheet- 7th/8th grade: Small Group Covenant & Bonding                               10/12/22


-          Highs & lows

o   Catch up from school starting til now.


-          Covenant time.

o   A covenant is a solemn (serious) agreement/promise between people or groups.

o   We hear a lot about covenants in the Bible. Most often, it is God making a covenant with us, God’s people.

o   As a small group, what do you want to promise to one another as far as how your group will operate this year? (i.e. we promise to be respectful of each other by listening to the person that is talking, to participating in conversation and activities, etc.).


-  Caring Conversation

o        How much of your family tree/genealogy do you know? Is there anyone you hear a lot of stories about?

    o        Who inspires you?

o        Even the "New" Testament, is a pretty old collection of writing! What other “old” things in life come to mind as still being helpful for you/us today?

o   How does history help us? Hurt us?

o        What “old” things maybe need to be let go of?

o        Something to wonder about…future you is going to look back at memories of current you…



Don’t forget to end the night with a prayer! Because when we play together, we pray together J



Activity/Game/Challenge options: Once your covenant is complete have some fun together!



Create a flag/symbol for your group

Incorporate each of you in it. What is important to include to best represent your group?


“Must List”

Invite each person to share their top 3-5 “must” listen/see/watch/read list. Could be bands, songs, books, shows, YouTube accounts, TikToks, etc. Whatever they are, share why they are impactful to you. You could even have someone create a YouTube or Spotify playlist to share, or just share samples with each other.





Kids can use their phones!

Step 1, follow church on Instagram @popyouthfamily & @popgrowreach

Then, tour church taking pictures of your group doing silly things, of meaningful places around the building, of things you’ve never noticed before & anything they want! Post & tag pictures with #axisatPOP. Be respectful and be safe!


Creation Connection

Engage your senses outside (your house or church). What do you see? Hear? Smell? Feel? What is something you notice about your physical location? Take off your shoes if comfortable/safe. What signs of the season do you notice? What is the biggest natural thing you can find? Smallest? Is there water anywhere? Pick up any trash you encounter.


Group Juggle

Materials: Varying items easy to toss or hand off

Circle your group up. Warm up with a tennis ball or other soft ball. Have the members of the group establish an order by tossing the ball to each other without repeating, calling the name of the person to whom they are tossing the ball. Challenge the group by adding multiple balls, running the same order.

Extra challenges: Have a special ball go in reverse order.


Stare Wars

Materials: None

Stand in a circle. Everyone looks down and secretly chooses someone else in the circle. Look at the toes of the person you have chosen. Leader counts, “3, 2, 1, look up!” If you are staring at a person that is staring at you, you both scream and are eliminated from the game. You will have one or two winners, depending on if your group number is odd or even.


How Do You Do?

Materials: Nothing

Group stands in a circle. Play starts with one person (Player A) asking a question to the next player in the circle (Player B). Player B quickly asks a question to Player C, who in turn asks a question to Player D. No repeating, no hesitating, no answering the question asked! Questions can be literally anything! You can either play elimination style down to a single champion, or just play for the fun of the game.



Materials: None

The group stands in a circle. “The Wa” is invisible energy that is passed from player to player. A player will start with “The Wa” and raises their hands, palms together above the head. The player points thier hands at another player in the circle and says, “Wa.” This player now has “The Wa.” They put their hands up, palms together and says, “Wa.” The players on either side of this player must help this player receive “The Wa” by ‘chopping’ toward the middle player with both hands, palms together and saying “Wa” simultaneously. This should be done in a steady, 3-beat rhythm. Any players messing up the rhythm, or missing their part is eliminated.

Example: A starts with “The Wa.” A passes “The Wa,” pointing to B and says “Wa.” B says “Wa” with their hands up, palms together. B has correctly received “The Wa.” C and D are on either side of B, and ‘chop’ towards them, saying “Wa” together. They have correctly aided in receiving “The Wa.”



2 Truths & a Lie

Group members take turns sharing a set 3 things about themselves. 2 of these must be true, 1 of them must be false. The rest of the group tries to guess the lie.


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