grade Axis Guide Sheet: NT Overview & Jesus
Hi Guides: Here is tonight’s flow. Note that we all start together in large group.
Large Group 6:30-7:00
Small Group time 7:00-7:30
Takeaway – Since God became human, we can proclaim
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us.
Key verse – John 21:25
Further readings to check out:
questions come to mind? What does this tell me about who God is?
Discussion starters:
-Imagine, you’re God…! What is the first thing you
would choose to do? Why do you think God chose
to become human?! Would you ever choose to take on a “lower” form?
-What are some of our best human qualities? Our worst?
-What qualities can we share with God?
-What are some
other examples of things that are 2 in 1? How do they work?
-This topic is a
prime example of the role of mystery in our faith. Some things are just plain
hard to completely understand. What are some other mysteries you often wonder
about? How can we be okay with mystery?
-How does knowing
that Jesus lived a human life help you?
-How would you
introduce someone to Jesus as though He is a friend of yours? (He is!) i.e. How
do you know each other? What things do you do together? Activity idea, act this out J
Activity ideas on back…
Explore the infographic together-
Both And – What things in your life/the world have
dual identities? What do they do? What do you think about that? What are you both and?
To me, Jesus is… - Have group members finish this
sentence for themselves. Make signs to take pictures with & post if they’re
ok with it. The best way to share Jesus with others, is to share what Jesus
means to you personally. What (if
any) impact does Jesus have on your life?
Don’t be afraid to answer this with “
Don’t forget Highs
& Lows & to pray!
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