grade Axis Guide Sheet: The Gospel of Luke
Takeaway – Luke emphasizes Jesus’ humanity, innocence,
& focus on the overlooked populations (women, poor, etc.) because he is
writing for an audience facing immense persecution.
Key verse – Luke 10:37
Discussion starters:
about our world/society today...can you name any people or even groups of
people that seem to be outcasts or overlooked by others?
-How about in your day to day life...where do
you see people excluding others?
you ever had a time where you were the one left out? What does that feel like?
-Why do you think Jesus takes the time for the
people that others avoid?
might Jesus be calling you to reach out to?
you familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10)? Who in your life
might you consider a good samaritan? Are you?
Further readings to check out: (Have different
volunteers read the passages)
to think/talk about as you read: What does this say to me personally? What
questions come to mind? What does this tell me about who God is?
introduction to Luke in their Bibles.
2:41-52 (frame this in a common parent/child dynamic: It’s as if Jesus was
telling his parents, “You don’t understand me at all!”
§ What does it feel
like to be known or understood by someone?
§ How does it feel
when someone close to us doesn’t seem to understand us?
§ In light of this
passage, what do you think Jesus would say to you in those moments?
§ Jesus’ friends are
not looking for him when they should be! Why does it sometimes seem harder to
have our friends misunderstand us than our families?
§ When have you felt misunderstood or overlooked?
What do you want people to see in you? What to people tend to misunderstand
about you?
Activity Ideas:
In Their Shoes
- There are some old sayings that go like this "don't judge a person until
you've walked a mile in his or her shoes." Have group members swap shoes
with each other & go for a walk around church. As you walk, share with a
partner what a day in your life is like. Oh, it's a good saying & all but
we don't believe you should judge anybody to begin with, just love them as
Jesus loves you!
Spread the Word - Create signs/banners Snaps or Instagram posts telling the Good
News that Jesus loves us all! Take them with you & post them somewhere in
public. Write specific notes to someone you know is in need of encouragement.
Offer your presence.
Go and Do Likewise - This is the charge Jesus gives us in the parable of the Good
Samaritan. So this week, pray that God would open your eyes to see someone in
need & give you the courage to take a leap of faith & help them in some
way. And don't underestimate the small stuff, even little things can be done
with great love.
Don’t forget Highs
& Lows & to pray!
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