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11/16/22 7th/8th grade: Luke


7th+8th grade Axis Guide Sheet: The Gospel of Luke                                            


Takeaway – Luke emphasizes Jesus’ humanity, innocence, & focus on the overlooked populations (women, poor, etc.) because he is writing for an audience facing immense persecution.  


Key verse – Luke 10:37  


Discussion starters:


-Think about our world/society today...can you name any people or even groups of people that seem to be outcasts or overlooked by others?


-How about in your day to day life...where do you see people excluding others? 


-Have you ever had a time where you were the one left out? What does that feel like?


-Why do you think Jesus takes the time for the people that others avoid?


-Who might Jesus be calling you to reach out to?


-Are you familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10)? Who in your life might you consider a good samaritan? Are you?


Further readings to check out: (Have different volunteers read the passages)

-          Things to think/talk about as you read: What does this say to me personally? What questions come to mind? What does this tell me about who God is?


o   The introduction to Luke in their Bibles.

o   Luke 2:41-52 (frame this in a common parent/child dynamic: It’s as if Jesus was telling his parents, “You don’t understand me at all!”

§  What does it feel like to be known or understood by someone?

§  How does it feel when someone close to us doesn’t seem to understand us?

§  In light of this passage, what do you think Jesus would say to you in those moments?

o   Luke 24:13-35

§  Jesus’ friends are not looking for him when they should be! Why does it sometimes seem harder to have our friends misunderstand us than our families?

§  When have you felt misunderstood or overlooked? What do you want people to see in you? What to people tend to misunderstand about you?






Activity Ideas:


In Their Shoes - There are some old sayings that go like this "don't judge a person until you've walked a mile in his or her shoes." Have group members swap shoes with each other & go for a walk around church. As you walk, share with a partner what a day in your life is like. Oh, it's a good saying & all but we don't believe you should judge anybody to begin with, just love them as Jesus loves you! 


Spread the Word - Create signs/banners Snaps or Instagram posts telling the Good News that Jesus loves us all! Take them with you & post them somewhere in public. Write specific notes to someone you know is in need of encouragement. Offer your presence.


Go and Do Likewise - This is the charge Jesus gives us in the parable of the Good Samaritan. So this week, pray that God would open your eyes to see someone in need & give you the courage to take a leap of faith & help them in some way. And don't underestimate the small stuff, even little things can be done with great love.




Don’t forget Highs & Lows & to pray!


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