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11/30/22 6th grade: Prayer continued


6th grade Axis Guide Sheet: Prayers and other everyday life rituals/traditions       


Takeaway – In prayer (written or spontaneous) we develop a language and rhythm for speaking fluently and often with God. Through rituals & traditions (homemade or learned) we can weave faith into our everyday experiences.


Key verse – 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Discussion starters:


-What things are on your mind a lot? The least?


-Who is someone you talk to a lot? What’s your relationship like? What do you talk about? How does it feel when you go a while without communicating?


-Think through a regular day for you…share what your routine is like. What are the things you always do?


-          Think for a moment, is there a certain time of day, or certain place you are in often, that feels special to you? When? Where? Why do you think that is?


-          Hand-me-downs…are there things you’ve received that were used by people before you? How do you feel about them? Are there some things that just wouldn’t feel right receiving as a hand me down? Religious/faith centered traditions are and can be very powerful and meaningful but not everything “fits like it used to.” It is ok for our faith practices to change and grow as we grow!



-Are there other things/prayers you do habitually?



-          When are habits or routines helpful? When might they be a distraction or unhelpful?


Further Reading:


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Read together.

-          What do you think it looks like to pray without ceasing? Is this literally what Paul means?

-          When is it hard to rejoice?



Matthew 6:9-13 – Read together.

-          What do you remember from learning about the Lord’s Prayer? How does it help us?

-          As you revisit the Lord’s Prayer, are there different parts that stand out to you that you maybe haven’t before?





Activity Ideas:


My Prayer  A lot of people are nervous about praying or want to pray but can’t always find the words. Is this you? See if you can come up with a prayer that you connect with in your own words.


Everything is Spiritual – What if, when you woke up in the morning, the first thing you thought, or even said was “God I know you’re with me today, thank you” or simply “Dear God…” and before you go to bed, simply pray “Amen.” Does that make your whole day a prayer or time spent with God? (Do you think you need to say/do that in order for God to be present?)


Inspiration Point – Look around your house (inside &/or out)…are there things you see every day that maybe point you to God in some way? Are there parts of your daily routine/home life that you wish you felt God present in more?

Expand this outward- neighborhood, commute, school/work. What times/places do you want to remember God’s presence in more?


Candle Time – “Light” a candle, turn out the lights, take a time for silence…Invite your family to share whatever is on their hearts & minds (could set out the “build a prayer sheet). Close this time with this ending, similar to what we use in prayers each Sunday,

All of these things, spoken or silent, & whatever else you see that we need, we bring to you Lord God, trusting in your work through Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit. Amen”




Don’t forget Highs & Lows & to pray!


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