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Showing posts from February, 2022

2/23 6th gr. Daily Prayers, Ritual & Tradition

Takeaway – In prayer (written or spontaneous) we develop a language and rhythm for speaking fluently and often with God. Through rituals & traditions (homemade or learned) we can weave faith into our everyday experiences.    Key verse – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Discussion starters: -What things are on your mind a lot? The least?  -Who is someone you talk to a lot? What’s your relationship like? What do you talk about? How does it feel when you go a while without communicating?  -Think through a regular day for you…share what your routine is like. What are the things you always do?  - Think for a moment, is there a certain time of day, or certain place you are in often, that feels special to you? When? Where? Why do you think that is? - Hand-me-downs…are there things you’ve received that were used by people before you? How do you feel about them? Are there some things that just wouldn’t feel right receiving as a hand me down? Religious/faith centered traditio...

2/16&23/22 7th/8th gr. Old Testament Recap

  Also on this night we heard from our friends at Wilderness Canoe Base. Check out their website for amazing opportunities for groups and/or individuals,  Wilderness Canoe Base .  o    Takeaway – The narrative of the Old Testament is the story of God creating the world and humans to be in relationship with God. Sin/evil enters humankind and those relationships are strained. God works in numerous ways to reconcile/reconnect us to God. Over and over again, God extends grace, guidance, and love. God continues to do so today.    Discussion starters:   -           At this point in your life, how do you answer this question-how did life begin/how does it continue? Does it have an impact on your faith?   -           What do you find helpful about the Old Testament? Unhelpful?   -           When h...

2/9/22 7th/8th gr. Job

Job:Why do bad things happen? And what do we do about it? o    Takeaway – The book of Job is a profound meditation on the mystery (spoiler alert, there are no easy answers!) of suffering & the nature of God. Whatever comes our way, we can rest in the truth that God is present with us, even in the midst of suffering & tragedy, & although there may never be a satisfying answer or reason for the bad things that happen, we know that they do not have the final say. God does. And God’s final say is love, grace, healing, & peace.   Discussion starters:   -           How do you answer this question (why bad things happen) right now, at this point in your life?   -           What do you find helpful when you’re going through a hard time? Unhelpful?   -           When have you experienced something that...

2/9/22 6gr Families: Apostle's Creed

 Apostles Creed – We Say This All of the Time but Do I Really Believe It?           Key Verses & Takeaways Psalm 8:9, John 14:26, Acts 2:2 - The same God who is the source of creation, is the God at work in our lives today, providing us with our needs. - Jesus’ life, death, & resurrection happened, & it happened for me, so that I am free to live to serve others.  - The Holy Spirit is hard to understand but we are assured through Jesus’ promise that it is at work in us, enabling & sustaining our faith throughout our life in ways we can & sometimes can’t see. Discussion questions: -Do you have any routines? Things that you do daily or weekly, that you feel make you, you? How does it feel when you skip these things? -What is something that you just accept works without really knowing exactly how it does?  -In the Creed, God is depicted as Father. Is there anything wrong with saying Mother? How is God like a mom? -How are knowled...

Envelopes for Youth Missions & Experiences

  Envelopes for youth missions and experiences We are deeply saddened at the news of the Youth Gathering being canceled. However, you can still support our young people by contributing to our youth missions and experiences fund.    Take an envelope numbered with the amount you’d like to contribute.  -         Place your donation (checks to Prince of Peace, “youth fundraiser” memo) in the envelope and turn it in to the office. -         Keep the card inside and write the amount of your contribution for your records We don't want to sell you anything you don't need. This is a faithful ask for an investment in the faith lives of our young people. Your support will make a life changing experiences possible.    To contribute from afar, simply email or call Brent (, 763-560-8958 leave a message) with the amount you pledge to contribute & send it in to church by the en...