6 th grade Axis Guide Sheet: Prayers and other everyday life rituals/traditions Takeaway – In prayer (written or spontaneous) we develop a language and rhythm for speaking fluently and often with God. Through rituals & traditions (homemade or learned) we can weave faith into our everyday experiences. Key verse – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Discussion starters: -What things are on your mind a lot? The least? -Who is someone you talk to a lot? What’s your relationship like? What do you talk about? How does it feel when you go a while without communicating? -Think through a regular day for you…share what your routine is like. What are the things you always do? - Think for a moment, is there a certain time of day, or certain place you are in often, that feels special to you? When? Where? Why do you think that is? ...
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