o Tonight’s Takeaway & Key verse § More than a list of “don’ts” the Commandments order our lives in relationship to God & neighbor. -Is it possible for something this old to still be relevant today? Aren’t we all pretty good at obeying this stuff? ...Aren’t we? -If God knows we can’t possibly keep all these commandments, why do we have them? -And if God knows we always mess up, & God is all about grace, then what’s the point of learning these old, possibly out-of-date commandments? -So what does happen when we accidentally (or not so accidentally) break a commandment? -What are some rules or guidelines in your life that you actually do value & try to live by? What makes them significant to you? What commandments connect most easily to your life right now? -Where do you see love in the commandments? If the two Jesus talks about (love God, love your neighbor) are the most important, do we still ne...
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